Faith Issues...

Similar to Drake’s Take Care Album released in 2011, trust issues seemed to the be biggest thing plaguing the everyday relationship. Rather its intimate or platonic, trusting was not something that just happened. Despite Drake’s Album selling millions of copies and dropping dope IG captions, relationships were suffering as if nothing was learned. Seven years later, a couple more punch lines and I had figured out why our relationships were failing.

Although trust seems like a natural standalone phenomenon, there are many aspects that create trust. Yes, trust is created not manifested. Trust is not a natural occurrence, nor is it just given but let’s just say it can be easily broken. Lets all agree that trust is the pinnacle to all relationships and once you have you must hold tight to it.
What are the aspects that build a durable foundation for trust?

God has a vision for our lives. Each person in this world has a calling over their life, rather it’s on a platform or in the background, there is something specific that you should be doing according to His will. What if you do not know what that thing is? Great question, vision is something that is God given and not worldly suggested. So, if you are doing what others think would be best for you to do, then you are probably not adhering to your call. Do not be alarmed, it happens to the best of us.

We all know that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen but even if we took out the biblical definition and replaced it with the Merriam Webster Definition, faith is a complete trust or confidence in someone or something. So, my next question is, what have you been seeing? What parts of you are you completely confident in?

Trust Issues V.s Faith Issues
Now that we know how vision and faith are the forefront for trust, lets dive deeper. For those who do not have a vision or has not seen any visuals of yourself performing or excelling at your highest potential, then faith will be hard. Ultimately making trust the toughest thing to do. So, to boost your faith, you must ask for a vision. Spiritual advisory, only ask if you are serious. Once you have the vision, it is really important to write it down, so that those who read it (encounter you) may run. I think writing the vision is so important for the writer and the reader. This is literally modernday networking, you put out in the universe what you are called to do and those who are connected to your destiny will run towards you and provide the necessary tools to build your success.  In order for this principle to manifest you must begin to make strides toward the vision because faith is dead without works and its believing in the things not seen. Now that you have seen it, you can hope for it. Here’s the caveat, once you see the vision know that its for an appointed time. For my Type A personalities, this means we can not make it happen within minutes just because we saw the vision in a few minutes. The good news is, once you have seen the vision, each step following is a step toward the vision. Remember the vision is the end and our walk is only the beginning.

Now that we have covered the basics, let’s talk trust issues. Trust is built on vision and faith, typically if we have not seen ourselves in a situation we have a tough time believing we will be placed in that position. If we have seen ourselves in healthy thriving relationships, it easy to not trust the person who is causing turmoil in lives. If we have seen ourselves in married, but we are only entertaining relations with people who do not desire marriage, it will be hard to trust these individuals. Why? Because it is contrary to the vision. In vise versa, if you have yet to figure out what you’re supposed to be doing and you’re constantly failing in relationship and friendship, it is time you figure out the vision.  Like our relationship with God (or higher belief) we must have a vision for the relationship and have faith that it will manifest to the vision to trust.
I do believe we all have the capacity to do the right thing, yet most times I do believe we get bored and find ourselves in situations that are not favorable to our hearts desires. This can be in any area of our life. Its so important to stay the course and not become boggled down with the societal pressures. Anything done without vision and purpose, will be abused. Trust issues are derived from a lacking vision and waning faith. Seek the vision, keep the faith and trust the process.

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